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Got some questions before you can pull the trigger?

Got some questions before
you can pull the trigger?

Yes, We Know you have Some "Explosive" questions, Let us help you with these answers

Yes, We Know you have Some
"Explosive" questions, Let us
help you with these answers

Copywriting is the art of utilizing the power of words to elegantly persuade people to take some sort of action, it has different definitions but this is the one we apply in our business. Yet how is it can affect your business?

Copywriting is crucial for every ambitious online entrepreneur, It’s the connection you create with your prospect with every written marketing piece you publish, And by communicating properly with your potential customer you can:

1. Significantly increase your sales
2. Build an honorable digital presence
3. Confidently launch profitable campaigns
4. Develop a unique brand voice
5. Distinguish your product from the competition

Copywriting is not just a text form of Salesmanship, It’s a way to grow a Relationship.

We reimagine the way brands present their products, as we believe your creative ideas deserve an eloquent introduction.

So in order to elegantly communicate your ideas, we built Campaign Commander, a direct-response copywriting agency that specializes in designing well-structured campaigns for your online business, we cover every piece of copy from Facebook/Instagram Ads to product/landing pages and everything in between. We offer more than a copywriting service…

We give your creative ideas an eloquent presentation!

After clicking this button we take you on a 3-step exciting journey:

Step #1: Get your free Exploration Call

Once you provide us with your contact information, we’ll perform an In-depth Audit of your business model and advertising efforts, then we’ll send you our Calendly link to discuss with you how we can help your brand.

Step #2: Deploy your well-structured Campaign

Immediately after we agree we’re a good fit, we start developing a tailor-made marketing strategy for your brand customized to your ideal customer, Then we mold our deep research into high-focused messages, After that, we use our secret sauce to transform the messages into captivating pieces of copy to be organized between your Ad campaign stages and seamless funnels, so you finally have a well-structured campaign you can confidently promote your product with.

Step #3: Enjoy a Profitable Business

Finally, you’ll start achieving consistent profits and growing loyal customers you’d love to serve rather than grinding with “Renter” ones. And get the dream online business you always wanted to have, and eventually quit your back-breaking full-time job to pursue your passion (while getting paid more).

It’s hard to state a fixed figure for every job we take as we take every project with a distinct approach depending on your industry, offer, audience, and other factors. However, if you need baseline price points, we can summarize them into two packages:

  1. Small Skirmish Package: Facebook/Instagram Ad Copy for a multi-stage Campaign—Starting at $300
  2. Big Battle Package: Landing/Product Pages Rewrite to match the Ad copy and form a compatible campaign—Starting at $700

And, Yes! these prices are for the ENTIRE CAMPAIGN COPY, not just a single Ad or page copy.

And if you’re wondering how many ads or pages it takes to create a compatible campaign,

Well, this varies depending on our analysis of your funnel stages; maybe it requires 5 Ads to smoothly convert your potential customer, or maybe just 3 Ads will do the job. In any case, everything is included in the agreed-upon price of the selected package.

We cover every piece of copy, not a single ad or page, to ensure an enjoyable journey for your prospect and the maximum return on your campaign.

Yes, we always recommend considering paid advertising as your main scaling vehicle as we believe there’s always a starving customer for your product, and you only need to reach him with the right message at the right time, That’s why we picture paid advertising as the bridge between your product and your future customer, So why a great product like yours don’t deserve to see the light?

Of course, Organic content is great for long-term success, especially user-generated content, But to achieve a healthy monthly profit so you finally can quit your day job and take it full-time as an online entrepreneur, you need the consistency that paid traffic brings, and you can never leave your monthly bills and your business future up to choppy organic traffic led by unpredictable algorithms.

That’s why we specialize in direct response marketing, we take care with defining your ideal customer, and crafting the right message for him, and we leave delivering the message to the ideal customer for paid advertising.

Unfortunately, we don’t offer Ad management or media buying services, We focus only on the written copy of any campaign, However, we always provide recommendations regarding design and ad management aspects, or offer any possible assistance as long as it can help you grow your business… We love to over-deliver.

You Bet! We offer a “Tweak Till Satisfaction” guarantee, meaning If for any reason you don’t seem to like the final draft, we’ll unlimitedly rewrite the copy until it meets your expectations.

Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee the performance or specify a certain result of your campaign, as there are lots of variables out of our control, such as Industry Environment, Market Equilibrium, and Advertising Algorithms. However, we make every effort to maximize the controllable factors in order to increase your chances of success and, hopefully, provide you with satisfactory results.

We completely believe in your ability to advertise and manage your own campaigns, however, if you want to scale up and take your brand to world-class levels you need to give up the “practitioner” role to get the “Business owner” position.

In other words, scaling requires delegating, so you need to leave off laborious “time-consuming” tasks to focus on effective “revenue-generating” activities,

That’s why we offer to tackle the intensive work that an individual can’t handle alone and free you valuable hours that the limited-day practitioner can’t obtain, so you can openly innovate and grow.

You might be heard these promises before:

  1. Winning trustworthy Facebook Ads
  2. Get Facebook ads made for conversions
  3. Fast Affordable Copywriting Services

Most experienced consultants may deliver their promises by crafting winning ad copies for today’s campaign but have anyone before cared about your long-term digital reputation?

At Campaign Commander we inject your brand voice within every written marketing piece we not only secure the highest conversion rates but also grow a loyal customer base that will support and elevate your brand for every journey you take them with your curated campaigns.

Still have more unanswered "explosive" questions?

ad copy compliance soldier

We hope these answers could respond to some of your questions and help you to take a decision for your business; however, if you still have more questions, Book your free exploration call, and let’s resolve your concerns!

(Next: provide us with simple information, and we’ll contact you asap)